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Boas praticas de gestão | I started a company... NOW WHAT?

  • Edifício Startup Campus powered by Banif Rua Rodrigo da Fonseca 11 Lisboa Portugal (map)

//  Tem uma duração aproximada de 30 minutos, e destina-se a todas as pessoas que estejam a pensar criar uma empresa ou mesmo que já a têm criada. Trata-se de passar boas dicas e recomendações.

So you’ve embarked on the journey of creating a new company and you must think you’re a movie star.

Business markets are as fierce as ever, deals are more complex and demanding and competitors are fighting to conquer their place. And you decided to do what? Start a company in this environment?

Ok, well no worries, we’re on your side. This is what heroes look like. And every movie needs a hero.But you’re going to need a hand. A huge hand. Every single hand will help. We’re doing our part with this whitepaper. It’s totally dedicated to you and the future of your business.

So, pop some popcorn in the microwave, put off your cellphone and walk the red carpet with stars that include your company, the Cloud and your customers. We promise happy endings.

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